Terms and Condition

Simpel Techlabs Private Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of India, owns and operates the website "creditr.in," its mobile phone applications, and other related software and internet-based applications (collectively referred to as the "Applications"). These General Terms and Conditions, which are an integral part of the declaration, constitute a valid and binding legal agreement between Creditr and you, the applicant. Prior to registering, accessing, browsing, downloading, or using anything from the Applications, you are urged to carefully read and understand these Terms.

Applicant Declaration (forming part of the Application Form)

[I/We], "the Applicant(s)"), hereby certify and declare, in all respects, without reservation or retraction, that:

  1. By submitting this application for the Facility, I/we explicitly declare for the benefit and reliance of both the Creditr. In connection with my/our application for the Facility, I/we commit to providing, signing, and executing all requisite facility agreements and other documents as may be specified and/or deemed necessary by the Creditr, at its discretion. This pertains specifically to availing such a Facility, subject to the terms outlined in the facility documents executed between me/us and the Creditr at any given time.

  2. [I/We] fully recognize that the approval of the Facility is entirely at the discretion of Creditr, contingent upon [my/our] execution of documents as deemed necessary by the Creditr and fulfillment of other closing formalities to the satisfaction of the Creditr. It is also acknowledged that the Creditr retains the discretionary authority to decline [my/our] application for the Facility without providing any reasons, and [I/we] expressly waive any right to appeal or contest such a decision.

  3. Moreover, [I/we] acknowledge that the processing fee submitted by [me/us] concerning the application for the Facility is non-refundable. In the event of [my/our] application being rejected, [I/we] renounce any claims for a refund of the processing fee.

  4. [I/We] affirm [my/our] citizenship/residency in India and warrant that all details furnished in the application form for the Facility, as well as the accompanying documents provided to the Creditr, are truthful, accurate, and current. [I/we] confirm not withholding or suppressing any material information from the Creditr. It is understood that the information provided by [me/us] in the Facility application forms the basis for any potential loan or facility granted by the Creditr. Additionally, [I/we] acknowledge that the Creditr retain the right to keep all relevant information, photographs, and documents submitted by [me/us] as part of the application and declaration, without any obligation to return the same.

  5. [I/We] affirm that there are no ongoing insolvency proceedings against [me/us], and [I/we] have never been declared insolvent by any judicial or other authority under the applicable law. [I/We] also commit to promptly notifying the Creditr of any changes in [my/our] occupation or employment status and to furnish any additional information that the Creditr may, at its discretion, deem necessary. Additionally, [I/we] undertake to keep the Creditr informed of alterations in [my/our] resident status, control, capital structure, constitution, and management, or any significant events that may impact any of these aspects, wherever applicable.

  6. [I/We] hereby consent and agree to the disclosure by the Creditr, expressly waiving [my/our] rights to notice, privacy, privity, and defamation concerning the disclosure by the Creditr, of any or all of the following:

1. Information and data pertaining to [me/us], including our directors, group companies, or partners (as applicable), as well as obligations to be undertaken by [me/us], our directors, and/or our group companies or partners (as applicable) in relation to the Facility sought by [me/us]. This includes any other information required to be provided as per the Creditr’s specifications.

2. Any default committed by [me/us] and/or non-performance of our obligations as stipulated in any facility document or other agreement executed following the Creditr’s instructions  in connection with the Facility that may be granted to [me/us] upon the successful processing of [my/our] application by the Creditr. The disclosure may be made as deemed appropriate and necessary by the Creditr and may include furnishing information to:

  1.  The Reserve Bank of India ("RBI") or the Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited ("CIBIL") and/or any other agency authorized by RBI or any regulatory, supervisory, or other authority, court of law, tribunal, or person, in India or any other jurisdiction, where such disclosure is mandated by law, regulation, judgment, or court order.

  2.  Any actual or potential assignee(s), novatee(s), or transferee(s) of the Creditr’s rights and obligations or those of other participants concerning the Facility, for any purposes linked with the proposed assignment or transfer.

  1. [I/We] recognize that the Creditr retain the right to request information regarding [me/us] from regulatory authorities and other third parties, including but not limited to RBI, CIBIL, etc. This right extends on an ongoing basis throughout the duration of the availed Facility, as per applicable laws or for admission/processing under the Facility arrangement.

  2. [I/We] acknowledge and expressly grant consent to Creditr for sharing Customer Data for Creditr, specifically for the following purposes:

1. The collection, storage, preservation, analysis, publication, and dissemination of all Customer Data as necessary. 

2. Verification or authentication of Customer Data, including making relevant inquiries based on the Customer Data. This is done for the purpose of assessing eligibility for loans and/or value-added services that I may opt for or avail through Creditr.

3. Ensuring compliance with applicable laws at any given time.

  1. [I/We] consent to Creditr reserving the right to share [my/our] details with authorized members, agents, partners, and Creditr’s Partner, allowing them to contact [me/us] for information and sales via email, telephone, and/or text message. [I/We] agree to receive promotional materials and special offers from Creditr through email or text message.

  2.  [I/We] willingly provide necessary documents as required by the Creditr in accordance with the 'Know Your Customer' guidelines issued by RBI.

  3. [I/We] acknowledge that this declaration, along with the Facility application, may be shared with multiple Creditr’s discretion. Furthermore, [I/we] understand that the Creditr reserve the right to obtain information related to business transactions from [my/our] business partners for the purpose of Facility sanction and ongoing monitoring.

  4. [I/We] declare that the funds availed through the Facility will be utilized exclusively for the intended purpose and will not be used for any speculative, prohibited, forbidden, illegal, unlawful, or anti-social activities.

  5. By signing/accepting this Letter of Declaration, [I/we] are deemed to have accepted, read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms governing the Facility, as determined by Creditr at its sole discretion, including any amendments thereof.

  6. Additionally, [I/We] do not object to the Creditr sending promotional offers for their products or services, including those of their subsidiaries, affiliates, or associate companies, to [me/us].

[I/We] grant the aforementioned consent and authorizations, irrespective of whether the Facility is approved, rejected by the Creditr, or reaches maturity. [I/We] authorize the Creditr to utilize the provided information accordingly.

UIDAI Related Declarations

  1. [I/We], as the holder of the Aadhaar number provided herein, willingly grant my/our consent to Creditr for obtaining and utilizing my/our Aadhaar number, Name, Fingerprints/Iris, and Aadhaar details to authenticate me/us through the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), as per the Aadhaar Act, 2016, and all other applicable laws ('Aadhaar Details'). I acknowledge that furnishing Aadhaar Details is mandatory for processing my/our loan and related services.

  1. Creditr has communicated that my/our Aadhaar details and identity information will only be used for demographic authentication, validation, e-KYC purposes, and OTP authentication for availing services from Creditr. A record of the search may be retained as per applicable laws for usage by Creditr for KYC verification, Aadhaar-based authentication, or for enforcement/compliance of Creditr rights and obligations under applicable laws. I absolve Creditr from liability for the use/sharing of information and details for any purpose mentioned herein in accordance with applicable laws.

  1. I expressly and unequivocally give my consent to Creditr to retrieve/procure such data/details from UIDAI for the purposes of verifying my/our data/details/identity. I further authorize Creditr, its group entities, and its service providers to do so, and Creditr and/or the service provider may cross-check the details supplied against any particulars with UIDAI.

  1. I declare that [I/we] have no objection to authenticating my/our details with the Aadhaar-based authentication system and hereby consent to and authorize Creditr to retrieve my/our personal details from UIDAI for Aadhaar-based authentication for the purpose of generating E-sign, for the registration of e-mandate, and for validating my consent to the terms and conditions of the definitive agreements for the services of Creditr.

  1. Creditr has assured that my/our biometric details will not be stored/shared and will be submitted to the Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) only for the purpose of authentication.

  1. [I/We] also grant Creditr the authorization to link and authenticate my/our Aadhaar number to all its services offered presently and in the future, in addition to those mentioned herein.

  1. [I/We] affirm that the details submitted in the Aadhaar letter are accurate, current, and complete. [I/we] will not hold Creditr and any of its officials responsible in case of any incorrect information provided by me/us.

  1. [I/We] understand that Creditr and the service providers shall ensure security, protection, confidentiality, and access to my/our personal data provided for the purpose of Aadhaar-based authentication/KYC verification and other services mentioned above in accordance with applicable laws.

  1. [I/We] agree that the information shared under this declaration shall be retained/stored/transmitted/furnished by Creditr as per applicable laws.

  1. By clicking on "I accept" next to this Letter of Declaration, [I/We] [am/are] deemed to have accepted, read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms (including amendments thereof) governing the Facility as determined by the Creditr in its sole discretion.

Regarding this matter, [I/We] affirm and guarantee that the statements outlined above by [me/us] have been expressed in [my/our] genuine and legal capacity. [I/We] further acknowledge that the Creditr will rely on the accuracy and truthfulness of the declarations made by [me/us] in this document. [I/We] recognize that any inaccuracies or falsehoods in the declarations made by [me/us] and/or information provided by [me/us] shall empower the Creditr with an unconditional right, at any juncture, to annul the Facility and exercise all available rights against [me/us] under applicable law.